Aus dem Kapitel "Meisterzahl 33"
"Schattenseite als Gefahr: Die Kräfte beherrschen zu lernen, gelingt nur wenigen.
Hinzu kommen die Schattenseiten der 6 auf höherer Ebene."
Es gibt negative Kräfte, aber widmen will ich mich lieber den positiven Kräften!
Alle Frauen, bei denen sich die Liebesschwingung umfassender ausbreiten konnte, die sich auf mich einliessen und letztenendes meine "Liebesspende" annahmen, kommen in ein positives Karma. Amors Pfeil traf sie, es kam ein neuer Mann und sie fühlten sich geliebt. So eine Art nachträglicher Dank meiner Schutzgeister. Allerdings gilt das bisher nur für eine Handvoll Frauen, insofern ist das wohl etwas zu wenig um wirklich Rückschlüsse daraus ziehen zu können. Aben an der Sache bleibe ich dran ;)
Bei denen wo es zu keiner Liebesspende kam (und es waren mehr als eine Handvoll), tat sich nichts, die sind seit Jahren single.
Negative and positive forces
From the chapter "Master number 33"
"Shadow side as a danger: To master the forces, only few succeed.
In addition, the shadows of the 6 are on a higher level. "
There are negative forces, but I would rather devote myself to the positive forces!
All the women who were able to spread the love swing more extensively, who embraced me, and who finally accepted my "loving gift", came into a positive karma. Cupid's arrow hit her, there came a new man and they felt loved. Such a kind of retrospective thanks to my guardian spirits. However, this is so far only for a handful of women, so this is probably not enough to really draw conclusions from it. But i stay tuned on this thing ;)
"Shadow side as a danger: To master the forces, only few succeed.
In addition, the shadows of the 6 are on a higher level. "
There are negative forces, but I would rather devote myself to the positive forces!
All the women who were able to spread the love swing more extensively, who embraced me, and who finally accepted my "loving gift", came into a positive karma. Cupid's arrow hit her, there came a new man and they felt loved. Such a kind of retrospective thanks to my guardian spirits. However, this is so far only for a handful of women, so this is probably not enough to really draw conclusions from it. But i stay tuned on this thing ;)
In those women, where there was no "lovedole" (and there were more than one handful), nothing happened, they have been single for years....
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